In the areas where the supply pressure coming from the network is not constant, a family of necessary accessories for the power supply of a plant is that of
pressure stabilizers, which we might find in the catalogue of the GNALI BOCIA company. Their construction allows one to absorb even the greatest fluctuations, without them impacting on the utilizing equipment.
Pressure stabilizers are built according to the UNI EN 88 standard and might be utilized with propane gas, methane gas, LPG (liquefied petroleum gas), and all non-corrosive gases, which thing ensures that they cannot be utilized both in civil and in industrial environments.
The construction of stabilizers ensures a stable and precise outlet pressure; it comprises an inlet pressure compensation membrane, which helps absorb the pressure variations so as to keep the supply constant. In addition to that, they are equipped with a safety membrane, so as to reduce the chances of loss.
For the sake of installing and regulating these pressure stabilizers, one has to approach specialized staff capable of ensuring the safekeeping of both plant and persons. Their installation might be done in internal environments but also in external environments, their varnished bodycast shape in light alloy ensures long duration and reliability over time.
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