The process of heating water and its transport to the user characterizes the problem which Gnali Bocia has invested time to improve.The technology regarding boilers,pressured or free, that allows the heating of water from room temperature to running capacity and that allows that temperature to be maintained is reserved to the electrical resistance.The temperatures at which electrical resistances have to operate for private use,are rather limited as domestic use requirements are not high. One of the problematic aspects that link
electrical resistances is the possibility of corrosion due to particularly hard water or the presence of chlorides.This can be remedied introducing specific magnesium anodes.
A phase that requires attention is the period in which the electrical resistances have to bring the temperature to running capacity:in there can be problems of elevated noise as in minimum time possible it is necessary to bring the temperature in optimum conditions.It is useful therefore to use electrical resistances with surface loads with a maximum of 9W/cm2.
Each electrical resistance has its technical chart on the inside which contains all the functional details and the regulations they must respect.
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