Realized in stainless steel and corrugated, flexible water supply hoses, with their capacity to endure being stretched till nearly double their initial length, allow the easy and durable connection of user devices to the water supply. The material they are built with, instead, ensures total compatibility of contact with drinking water and foodstuffs.
The reference standard is UNI-CIG 7129, which is still valid with regard to flexible water supply hoses, inasmuch as the introduction of the new EN 14800 standard has brought about limitations in the scenario where the fluid conduit is of gassy origin.
Flexible water supply hoses might also be used to connect devices to the heating system, as in the case of boilers, fans and water heaters.
The production cycle of these items is managed by the company pursuant to the rules of the ISO9000 system, which is capable of ensuring the repeatability and reliability of production works. Starting with the first choice material, the central part of
flexible water supply hoses, to which the caulked ends equipped with clamping nut or threaded end are welded, is then realized.
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