High pressure reducers are made of brass, offering high resistance and sealing efficiency in consideration of the maximum pressures acting inside this component. Brass guarantees optimal load resistance in high pressure reducers and in combination with safety systems for the release of excess flow is suitable for this application.
A pressure gauge is present and must be fitted immediately downline of the high pressure reducer; otherwise the reading would refer to pressure upline, providing different values.
The pressure variation at the
high pressure reducer can also be up to 5 bar, depending on the characteristics of the system: the outlet pressure must remain in line with the operating parameters of the components connected to the reducer.
To optimise the component, it has been sized so that the safety coefficient of each type of high pressure reducer can guarantee good performance while fully ensuring operation.
High pressure reducers feature a fundamental system for managing excess pressure: this is an instrument that enables excess air to be blown out of the system thereby automatically enabling standard conditions to be restored in the event of abnormal events.
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