We often come across, along the roads, construction yards busy repairing aqueduct conducts damaged by the pressure of water, which is introduced in order to compensate, on the one hand, the increased number of users, and on the other hand the existing losses. At that point, pressure reducers are all the more necessary in order to avoid damages to the installation of one’s own company premises or house.
These pressure reducers are of a balanced type, they work in other words on the load losses in the passage of the fluid through the device, intervening for the sake of control on the forces created by the spring pressure on the one side and by the fluid on the opposite side.
The model in question from the range of
pressure reducers enables a very precise regulation, by efficaciously cushioning possible peaks that might produce harmful effects, on our boiler for instance.
The production tests and trials on pressure reducers are carried out pursuant to the European standard EN 1567, which also lays down the basic requirements to which reference ought to be made. The standard alone is not enough. A contribution to render production efficient and duly compliant further comes from the ISO 9000 quality system to which the whole process is subjected to.
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