On the GNALI BOCIA catalogue we find a section dedicated to the plywood pressure reducer for water, a useful device to keep the pressure in the installation even in the event of significant changes in pressure at source, usually due to the fluctuations in demand on the part of the various connected users. We might therefore discover that the inlet pressure on our installation might increase from day to night from 3 to 5 bars, at the expense of such delicate devices as the boiler.
In choosing the aptest
pressure reducer for water for our application, we might utilize the two graphics set out at the beginning of the specific chapter. In one of them, the flow rate is linked to the flow speed, on account of the diameter of the pipeline and thus of the device, whereas in the other one the pressure drop is linked to the payload, again on account of the dimensions. On the basis of the system data, and with the help of the tables set out herein, we can accordingly choose the suitable pressure reducer for water.
The construction of the pressure reducer for water is done from the starting premise of raw materials forged in CW617N stamping brass, which are then wrought at the Lumezzane plants on last generation numerical control machines, so as to ensure precision and product durability. The operating temperature can normally reach up to 80°C, but in respect of the internal seals in the Viton version they might reach an operating temperature of 130° C.
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