A compact solution for connecting more than one tank in order to feed the same system is that of
mini power packs, one of the key products of the GNALI BOCIA company. These items, produced at our Lumezzane plants in different configurations, are capable of fulfilling a range of system requirements.
The use of mini power packs enables us to save space, so they are extremely useful in the camping sector, being the optimal solution for the standard camper equipment where the gas is used for multiple devices, including the three-way refrigerator.
The configuration of mini power packs further envisages the assembly of a pressure gauge useful to check the pressure of the connected tanks. The standard lays down that there must always be a tank connected to each exit, and that only the tap of the tank in use be opened, but in order to nevertheless avoid uncontrolled overflows, every bypass circuit is equipped with a unidirectional valve.
With regard to more sensitive devices and excessively high pressures, there are also mini power packs equipped with two-stage reducer. An excessively high input pressure, in fact, might damage devices.
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