Installation groups and mini power packs are the ideal solution for connecting several tanks to a single user system, but while the former is a rather bulky solution made starting from a steel pipe to which interception valves are connected, the latter is a single small brass body to which a system is connected that reduces and adjusts the pressure coming from the connected tanks.
The Y-series mini power packs are more compact than other models, even the three way version, and they are particularly indicated for systems where space is vital. Installation compactness and safety are therefore available at the same time.
The mini power packs are always equipped at output with a pressure reducer, which in particular cases can also be double stage for managing particularly high input pressures.
The strength of the
mini power packs is guaranteed starting from materials such as the brass used to make the body and most of the components, an alloy that is easy to work but which optimally resists ageing.
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