Mini-power units not only for campers but for all those applications where space is vital
Always available in the warehouse, we can find the mini-power units a practical and compact solution to connect two or more tanks to a system. This solution can be used in both civil facilities, but is specially appreciated in campers and mobile homes because it is small and very practical.
The mini-power units can be acquired both singularly and in the kit version, which simplifies assembly. In this case the mini-power units are set up with a rod, expand dowels and upon request also the necessary tubes to connect a tank for every trip.
Remember that the use of the mini-power units resembles that of tubular power units, and the reference norm provides that the flexible tubes must not be left hanging without a tank connected, even if the shunt is closed through the intercepting tap and, therefore, when one of these is finished, it has to be replaced with a full tank.
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